Buck: Legacy Wiki

One of the 5 decks in Buck: Legacy.

Character Creation cards represent character sheets, as Buck: Legacy is designed to emulate the tabletop roleplaying game experience.

They come in the following variants:


Classes are a character's skill set. Each player is assigned a class at the start of each game and retains it until the end. See full article Adventurer.


Race is a character's pony type. Each player is assigned a race at the start of each game and retains it until the end. See full article Race.

Starter Weapon

These are basic weapons that provide a minuscule buff to a character's skills. Once unequipped, they are returned to the Character Creation deck and cannot be retrieved. They are designed to be disposable and it is recommended to replace them at the first available opportunity. They cannot be sold or traded.

Stat Sheets

This is one of the main components of Buck: Legacy, and required for play. Stat sheets record a player's gold, medals, combat strength + modifiers etc. Each set comes with x6 stat sheets and x1 monster stat sheets (for big bosses) with 7 card sleeves. Use the drywipe marker provided to write on the card sleeves.

A mobile app Buck: Legacy Calculator is available on the Google Play Marketplace.

Quick Reference Cards

Called 'prompt sheets' or 'cheat sheets' by the community, keep them handy for casting spells and fighting Dungeon Bosses.

 Limited Time Offer

Save 10% off Buck: Legacy 2nd Edition with coupon code WKA10. Only at www.buckcardgame.com
